Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 75

volume Number : 15
number In Volume : 5
issue Number : 75

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15، number In Volume 5، ، issue Number 75

Investigating the similarities between the themes of the Baroque literary school and Khaghani's poetic style

Vahid Ali Beigi Sarhali (Author in Charge), Fatemeh Modarresi


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The Baroque literary school, which was formed in Europe after the glorious renaissance, had new features that doubled the beauty of literary works. The themes observed in this literary school were so prominent in the minds of our poets several years ago that they were not explicitly evaluated. In this regard, the similarities of the themes of this school and Khaghani poetry made us to do research in this field, because we believed that many commonalities can be achieved in the style of Khaghani poetry and the Baroque literary school.

METHODOLOGY: This research is based on a descriptive-analytical method, in which we first identify the themes of the Baroque literary school, then extract its common points and Khaghani poems and interpret and analyze them.

FINDINGS: Although Baroque themes in the West originated several centuries after Khaghani, its characteristics can be well reflected in Khaghani"s poetry, and this shows that the poetic style of our ancient poets had certain characteristics, but the same Western theorists have not studied those poems in detail; While they have many hidden angles to illuminate.

CONCLUSION: The themes of the Baroque literary school in a general perspective in Khaghani poetry are significant and its characteristics are quite clear. The lack of imitation of the ancients, animation, the existence of themes of mortal thought and contradiction, etc., the common themes of the Baroque literary school and Khaghani poetry made it worth considering. In this research, using the evidence of Khaghani poems and their adaptation to the themes of the Baroque literary school, we have proved the common themes.

Baroque , khaghani , Comparative literature , Literary schools , Stylistics

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